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Navigating the New Transformational Energies: and their potential for healing

Writer's picture: Glenys EarleGlenys Earle

What is going on?

Have you noticed? The energies we’re experiencing now are steadily increasing to a higher vibration. They have been slowly building for some decades now. However, since 2020 the energies are intensifying at greater and greater rates, and in 2024, in particular, the energies are really being amplified.

astrology, pluto in aquarius

Those of us who follow astrology are also aware of big changes in the planetary energies beaming our way. Early this year Pluto, the great transformer, moved from conservative, hierarchical Capricorn into innovative, individualistic, humanitarian Aquarius. As outer planet Pluto remains in a sign for over 20 years, expect big changes in global and local power structures in the coming decades. There’s a lot of other very intense astrological activity occurring throughout the year as well, so buckle your seat belts!

These energies are propelling humanity to shift to the high-frequency consciousness that is coming through. This new consciousness is destroying density at faster rates than ever before. We are seeing this destruction in the growing awareness of the breakdown and limitations of our current social and economic systems. It is also responsible for the increasing number of us wanting to release old patterns that are no longer serving us from within our own psyches.

high-frequency energies leading to transformation & new consciousness

However, as this new consciousness is being birthed here on Earth, we are seeing a big struggle between these incoming energies and the old outdated mass consciousness, especially from those who most gain from holding onto power. This struggle is occurring mainly on the energetic level, but it has real impact on our physical bodies, as well as our energy and nervous systems.

As a result many of us who are feeling these energies are finding ourselves often very stressed, exhausted, or in overwhelm or confusion. Even though we may be attuning to these higher energies, it’s very difficult to maintain them all the time. In fact, it’s a fallacy to think we can.

The need for healing

You have incarnated to be part of the enormous transformational cycle that is taking place. In order for this to happen, a lot of healing must first be accomplished. We can no longer remain stuck in old dysfunctional patterns of thoughts and behaviour. The old ways were based around fear, separation, control and subservience to traditional systems that are now outdated. We are being asked to embrace wholeness, love, inclusiveness and forgiveness as our guiding frequency, as we move into new ways of being.

That is why we are seeing such an awareness around the need for the healing of emotional patterns and trauma. Old traumatic patterns are being cleared from the energy field of individuals, as well as the collective field.

woman meditating in high frequency energies for healing

Many of the issues that arise will apply to you personally. Patterns and events from childhood, or even traumatic events of adulthood may start to surface. However, some of the issues that you're sensing may not be from this lifetime, but from your ancestral line or past lifetimes on Earth.

You may also be picking up issues from the collective field of humanity. Historically, there has been so much violence, war, conflict and isolation: situations in which people have felt helpless, abandoned, alone, bereft, grief-stricken or violated. All of this still exists in our present-day mental and emotional field.

And everything that exists in this field is wanting resolution. Everything unresolved in each of us wants resolution. We all need help in navigating these times with proven energetic help.

So what can you do?

You don’t need to go looking for old dysfunctional patterns and early traumas. They arise naturally as part of being in the world.

Donna Eden showing how to calm strong emotions
Donna of Eden Energy Medicine

When they do, this is the opportunity to begin the process of healing and resolution. The simplest way is to really feel the emotions that are arising, without judgement. Sit with them for as long as it takes and eventually they will change. While doing this, aim to slow and deepen the breath, taking longer to exhale than inhale. Additionally, you may find it helpful to place one or both of your hands over your forehead. In doing so, you are tapping into key energy systems (see video in which I explain the technique).

The word emotion comes from the root word for movement. Emotions want to move through us, but if we resist them, they can get stuck. So we want them to keep moving through our body and energy field. If you have sat with the process above, eventually there will be a release as the emotion leaves. It’s gone!

Of course, in practice, in the midst of our busy lives, it’s not always possible just to sit with an emotion until it has passed. You may need to leave the process and return to it later.

Other emotions may be too overwhelming, so again you need to leave the process and perhaps repeat it in “bite-size” chunks. In other cases, you may need outside help; you don’t have to do it all alone. A healer or even a trusted friend may be helpful – a friend who can be with you, really listen and provide space for you.

Note: more serious traumas will require a specialist therapist to resolve.

My healing work

I have been working with Eden Energy Medicine since 2016, and it has been a life-saver for me in keeping my energies consistently maintained. In healing sessions and workshops I offer proven techniques based on Eden Energy Medicine that help your energy systems and nervous system to cope with the changes as they occur.

I also offer energy healing sessions to help clear emotional and spiritual issues, as well as readings of your Akashic record to determine the seed cause of your issues.

If you want to know more about me or my work in healing subtle energy systems, click here. Or if you want to find out more about how I can help you, go to my Energy Healing page.


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