What do we mean by energy?
The topic of energy is very much on our minds as we slowly transition from a reliance on energy derived from fossil fuels and ancient sunlight to more renewable resources. However, that’s not the kind of energy I’m talking about.
In addition to all the electrical, chemical and molecular processes in our bodies that keep us alive, we also rely on a form of subtle energy. This energy was known to the ancients as chi or prana.
This subtle energy is our vital life force and it’s also necessary to maintain the processes of health and healing in the physical body. In other words, this subtle energy is essential for life and is the basis of our vitality. I have written about this energy in earlier blogposts:
Principles of Energy Medicine
The vital life force is not static, but has several properties that are necessary for optimum health and wellbeing. These are enshrined in Donna Eden’s Principles of Energy Medicine.
Donna Eden was able to see these energies from an early age. With the aid of this “sight” she not only healed herself of life-threatening conditions, but has developed a complete method of energy healing, called Eden Energy Medicine, that anyone can learn and practise.
The insights that Donna gained in working with the various subtle energy flows in the body are the basis of her Principles of Energy Medicine.
1. Energy wants to move & needs space in order to do so
Energy doesn’t just stay still; it is constantly moving through and around the body. It is the circulation of energy that is essential for health. If we are bent over or contracted in certain areas, the energies are less able to move.
One way to keep these energies moving is for you to exercise or simply move your body. Regular stretching ensures energy has space to move where it wants to go.
2. Energy moves in specific patterns
There are energy pathways and patterns in our subtle energy anatomy. The meridians are examples of pathways that constrain the energies’ flow; energies spiral in and out of the chakras in specific patterns. There are many complex patterns in our aura, such as figure 8 or infinity signs that when present indicate greater vitality.
Energy also wants to move in crossover patterns – that is, to cross over from one side of the body to the other for you to be healthy and full of vitality.
3. All the body’s energies are interconnected
The meridian system is not separate from the aura, which is not separate from the chakras, and so on. All the subtle energy systems communicate and interact with each other, sharing information about what is going on. They also communicate and interconnect with physical body processes.
4. Your energy is affected by other people & the environment around you
Outside influences can either enhance or interfere with our own energies. At the energetic level we are not separate from other people or the environment. It’s therefore in our best interest to seek out people and environments that support and enhance us at all levels of our being.
5. Energies adapt to circumstances using consistent priorities
The body’s first priority is survival, so if that means engaging the flight or fight system (at both physical and energetic levels), then other functions like digestion may be shut down. The second priority is keeping core elements, such as heart rate and breathing, functioning. In times of crisis subsidiary functions like digestion or cell maintenance may not be given the required energy. The third priority, when the other two are not online, is to support your intentions, both conscious and unconscious.
6. Energy forms habits that may persist beyond their usefulness
An example of this is our stress response. If we spend a long time in a stressed state, our stress response may remain switched on, even when we are in a more supportive environment. Our energy system has formed a habit of staying in the stress response, and even though this is ultimately harmful for our wellbeing, the habit remains.
7. Energies can be repatterned
This is good news! It means that energy habits that no longer serve us can be altered to conform to new healthier patterns. This is actually the basis of the Energy Medicine work.
8. The health of the body reflects the health of its energies
Like me you may not see these subtle energies. Very few people can. However, you can observe others and see how healthy they are in the spring of their step, the glow in their complexion, the way they move and respond to the world around them.
We are picking up these signals from others all the time, whether consciously or unconsciously. These are the signs that tell us whether our friends and family are healthy and thriving, or not.
Where energy gets stuck
So if energy always has to move, needs space and tends to move in patterns, where does it go wrong? This question is at the heart of why we experience lack of energy, dis-ease and ill health.
Our energy can:
Become blocked
Accumulate in a specific area – often due to chronic pain or unresolved emotions
Be disrupted by environmental factors
Form habits that are harmful long term
The good news is that we can correct and repattern these energies easily and non-invasively using Energy Medicine techniques that restore flow, balance and harmony in the body. In fact, the more you employ good Energy Medicine practices, the more you align your energy flows to provide the greatest health and vitality.
Just as regular exercise builds fitness in the physical body, regular Energy Medicine practices build energy health and wellbeing in our subtle body anatomy.
I have experienced profound results with this work – for myself and my clients. I’m always excited to share these techniques, both in personal healing consultations, and in the workshops that I teach.
I offer a series of Energy Medicine workshops, which have been specifically designed using these Energy Medicine principles, in order to address some of the most common and pressing issues of our age. They are very interactive and fun, and you go away with lots of practical exercises and techniques to help you in everyday life.