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How our Emotions can affect our DNA

Writer's picture: Glenys EarleGlenys Earle

...and be passed down through the generations

DNA strands, epigenetic changes

In my last blogpost, about Molecules of Emotion. I wrote about how many of our emotions, especially when related to trauma, are stored in our body’s cells.

But not only are our emotions and memories stored in our body’s cells, but they can change our DNA and be passed on to future generations.

Here’s how emotions can change our DNA

When DNA was first discovered and encoded, it was believed that the set of genes we were allocated at birth is fixed. It was also an article of faith that the expression of those same genes was fixed — that is, when the DNA is read, each gene produces only one fixed end result or trait. However, the latest research indicates otherwise.

Dr Bruce Lipton, epigenetics researcher

Dr Bruce Lipton is among a number of researchers who have explored the field of epigenetics. In a nutshell what they discovered is that the expression of genes is affected by our environment. In other words, a gene isn’t automatically turned on and “used”. Factors in our environment and our lifestyle can “disable” the gene so that it doesn’t produce its usual effect.

These factors include environmental toxicity and pollution, diet, water and air quality, and how much you exercise and stress.

When a gene is turned off, a molecular “shield” is placed around the gene, preventing it from being read, and therefore expressed. In fact, we all have many genes for some of the major diseases that afflict humanity, according to Dr Lipton, but in most of us these genes are turned off. The list of diseases normally turned off includes cancer and AIDS.

Up until recently, it was only known that physical environmental factors could cause genes to be turned on or off. For example, certain toxic environments would turn on one or more of the disease genes that are normally turned off, and hence that person then suffers the particular disease.

Now, research in animals has shown that, in addition to environmental factors, certain emotions, especially fear, cause genes to be turned off, and that this change is transferred to offspring. Both males and females can transfer their altered genes to their descendants. These epigenetic changes can then be passed from generation to generation.

For example, mice left in a stressful environment that caused them long-term anxiety were found to have certain specific genes altered. Their offspring also received these changes in gene expression, and in turn, exhibited abnormal anxiety, even when only cared for in nurturing environments.

There is growing evidence from research that this process also occurs in humans. In other words, suppose your grandfather was a prisoner of war and suffered PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) as a result. Then it’s possible that you too would be unusually prone to anxiety, because his genes had been altered epigenetically by his wartime experience. And the changed genes could have been passed to you via one of your parents.

In other words, the more stressful negative experiences of our ancestors could be impacting each of us right now.

That’s a scary thought, isn’t it. Of course, the opposite is also true: our ancestors’ positive experiences and lifestyles are also influencing our DNA.

But back to the negative imprints we may have inherited. What can we do about them?

We can, of course, change any negative beliefs to more positive ones at any time. But it’s not easy to identify beliefs when they are usually subconsciously held. And it's even harder to actually change them — via positive affirmations, for example.

Instead why not release and replace any negative beliefs, emotions or experiences in our DNA in the same way that we change the ones that we picked up during our own life: using ThetaHealing.

How ThetaHealing works

ThetaHealing, book by Vianna Stibal

ThetaHealing is a transformative method of energy healing that uses the theta brain wave, or meditative state, to connect with the Universal healing energy that flows through all life. This healing energy is called chi in Chinese medicine and prana in the Indian tradition; however, it has been described in all traditions since ancient times.

It is a mind-body-spirit technique.

In a typical ThetaHealing session we work together to identify the traumas and core beliefs that are holding your physical, mental or emotional issues locked in place.

These limiting beliefs and emotions may be so deeply buried in the psyche as to be difficult for you to access on your own, so I use both intuitive and rational methods to find them. Once they have been identified, it’s then a simple process to change them, to bring fast, easy and transformative change.

This whole process is very gentle, and simply requires your permission every step of the way to make the necessary changes. Your task is simply to believe that change is possible, and to be open.

In the process of changing these DNA-inherited emotional states, you also change the DNA back to its more positively expressed, generative functioning. The results, then, can be better health, freedom from anxiety, and greater vitality and energy.

The key takeaway is that your limiting beliefs can be changed to more positive life-affirming ones, and in the process, body symptoms and disease may also be significantly improved or released.

If you want to know more about me or my work, click here. Or if you want to find out more about how I can help you to change your beliefs, go to my Energy Healing page.


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