Horses Health
The Horses Health flower essence blend assists overall animal health and wellbeing at physical and emotional levels, and helps horses to express more of their natural instincts in a human-controlled world.
This blend helps highly strung breeds of horses cope with stress, as well as the nerves and anxiety that horses pick up from their rider. It also helps horses heal from poor physical condition or environmental pollution.
Contents 30 ml.
Dispense approx 4 drops in the horse's food or water trough.
Cost: NZD $20 + shipping
The Horses Health essence contains a blend of the following New Millennium Essences flower essences, in a base of pure water and brandy.
Red & White Camellia - animal's emotional mirroring
Helps animals to process and release the emotional energy that they take on from humans, and then “mirror” back to them. Emotional mirroring is a vital role that animals fill for people – however, they can become overwhelmed with the quantity and the intensity of this energy.
Orange Begonia - emotional garbage energy
Helps animals process and release negative emotional “garbage” that they pick up from the environment, and from people. Just as people pick up negative energy of this type, so too do animals. This essence helps them to deal with this energy, to process it in their bodies, and to release it.
Horse Chestnut Indian - environmental pollution legacy
Helps animals with health-related issues associated with, and caused by, environmental pollution; for use once the animal has been removed from the source of the pollution, to assist in the recovery process from the legacy of any damage done by the pollution.
Roseraie de l'Hay Rose - stress
Helps a stressed animal that is feeling helpless, lethargic or bored, and to move into activity again.